Scottish Lochs

In 2012 I spent a week drawing and painting around Kingairloch with particular attention to Loch Linnhe and Loch Sunart. I returned to my studio to produce a number of studio paintings inspired by my trip north. In April of this year I spent another week painting and drawing in Scotland but this time around the Knapdale area of Argyllshire. I found ample inspiration from  Loch Sween and Loch Caolisport.

Here are the latest studio paintings….one featuring a a stream that cut through the valley between twisted trees towards the sea. It seemed a magical place and it just seemed right to call the painting “Magical Stream To Sea Loch”. If you look closely you can see the Loch in the centre of the painting and also to the left and right.


A day with very different lighting conditions found me looking out across Loch Caolisport from a different vantage point. The clouds were occasionally punctured by strong sunlight. This light illuminated a thin stretch of water in the distance. I immediately felt excited about the return to my studio in Greater Manchester…I couldn’t wait to get started on these canvasses….now they are complete.